Many of you probably know by now that Morgan and I are expecting our firstborn this September! (It's a girl! and we've decided to name her Cadence Emery Murray)
As we prepare for parenthood we've had a lot fun (inspite of the heat, discomfort and swelling . . . sometimes for both of us!) getting the nursery ready, shopping yard sales and clearance racks for clothes, reading stories to her and playing music for her. But one of the most fun things for me has been finding the all important children's bible. Of course this won't even be relevant to Cadence for a couple of years, but I was eager to find one in particular (The Jesus Storybook Bible - thanks Baylee and Ashley for showing it to me). I love it because every story told in this Bible intentionally points to the totality of God's work and purpose from the beginning of creation to Jesus' death and resurrection (of course explained in a language more accessible to children . . . and adults like myself). Something I think we adults forget to do when we read the Bible (particulary the Old Testament) is to remember that God's character and plan remain the same. We often fail to see the full scope of the redemptive work that God began in Genesis. And I love how this children's Bible calls me back to that truth with every story that I read to Cadence!
I recommend checking it out! (and for all you presbyterians out there, Tim Keller endorsed it!)
1 comment:
Yay!!! Thank Jen Dowda, she gave it to us :)
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