Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Pursuit of a Loving God

After returning from my back-to-back weekends of retreats and conferences, I was meeting up with one of my students leaders talking about what had been happening so far this semester.  In passing, he happened to mention that someone had just given her life to Christ after starting to come to InterVarsity!  I was like "Whoa!"  When did I miss out on the news of people getting saved?!  I caught up with Alexis at our next large group and then connected with her over coffee to hear more of her story.  I've posted some of it below for you!

In the past few months God has completely changed my life around. For years I had been an atheist and had never really known what to think about the idea of a God existing. I never wanted to talk about religion or imagine a higher power knowing everything I ever did or thought. Last month, however, something changed inside of me. With my grandmother in the hospital for lung and skin cancer I had started to get a little weary of my belief in atheism. I didn't want to believe that my grandmother would someday just die. A few of my friends kept telling me about InterVarsity and I started to get curious. 

I knew that it was just a group of kids getting together to praise God and worship Him. For a good month and a half I kept thinking about going but always stopped myself, feeling somehow that I didn't belong there. One night I suddenly made myself go to at least find out more. More of what? I'm not sure. I guess I wanted to find out more about God, more about the people who believed and in turn find out more about myself. I like to think that I didnt find God but instead that He found me and led me to InterVarsity and the people I met there. After a while I was completely rearranged. Now I not only attend InterVarsity but I also go to church twice on Sundays, once on Wednesdays and then go to a bible study every Monday night. I would so much rather talk to someone about religion and our relationship with God than anything else. 

I wish for everyone to find the same joy that I just recently found in God. There's so much to be happy about in our lives and so much to look forward to when we give up control and let Him take over. Now that He has found me, I cannot imagine going back to the life I had before filled with stress and unhappiness. He truly is here for us when we need him the most. As humans we still fall down on hard times. The difference between a life with God and a life without Him is that when we DO fall, He is there to pick us back up, dust us off, and let us know that He would never put us through anything that we cannot handle.

Praise God for what he is doing in Alexis's life!  Stories like this keep me fired up about what God is doing at Randolph-Macon!!

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